Peel Clothworkers' School

'Enjoyable Learning for Life'

2SG - Science
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Class 2SG are observing how caterpillars grow, feed and spin silk in their classroom as part of their Science topic on minibeasts and life-cycles this term. We are excited for the big transformation!

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A visit from Love Tech
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We were lucky to be joined by Lisa from Love Tech who delivered a talk with our KS2 children during an assembly this week. Love Tech is a charity working to inspire and empower young girls into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers. The charity have very kindly donated a wonderf…

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Year 2 - Judo
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Year 2 have enjoyed having lots of visitors in this half term as part of their topic ‘We are the Champions!’ They have welcomed in different sports people to talk about what they do and teach some sessions. The children loved wearing the Judo suits when Chris Horton from Southern Judo Club visited.…

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ManxSPCA Donation
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Krysia from the ManxSPCA joined us in an assembly this week to receive a check for the money raised from our Dress as an Animal day. We raised £241.60! Thank you to all who donated money or dressed as an animal.

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World Down Syndrome Day - 21st March
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To celebrate and raise awareness of World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) that took place on Tuesday 21st March, children and staff wore odd and colourful socks to school. Mr Jones and Miss Lace delivered a wonderful assembly on WDSD that the children were thoroughly engaged in. We are very proud of the i…

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Science - Class 6F
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As part of our Science unit of the Earth, Moon and Sun, Class 6F investigated moon craters. We first recreated our own moon surfaces in groups, and then planned our own investigations. We looked into what causes craters, and explored the impact that speed, weight, angle and distance has on them. We…

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Valentine's Cake Sale
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Thank you to all parents and children who baked and donated cakes for the Valentine's Cake Sale. The Year 6 children ran the sale throughout the day and sold hundreds of delicious cakes!

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St John Ambulance First Aid - 6H
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The children in Class 6H had a full-day training session with St John Ambulance learning first aid and basic life support. This was a brilliant opportunity for the children who were all very well engaged and did exceptionally well.

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