Peel Clothworkers' School

'Enjoyable Learning for Life'

Here you will find important school policies and information.

More in the section School Information:


Senior Leadership Team Headteacher Mrs A Jackson Deputy Headteacher Mrs T Quayle Assistant Headteacher Miss A Wheeler Teaching Staff Mr J Crookall (TLR 2B - ICT & Active Learning) Miss A Willoughby (TLR 2B - Assessment / English) …

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School Uniform

Uniform We have a uniform of royal blue and grey / black. All children are encouraged to wear their uniform with pride every day. At school, we expect all children to wear: White polo shirt Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan Grey / black trousers or shorts Grey skirt or pinafore During the summer mo…

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School Forms

If you are planning a holiday, please download and complete the 'leave of absence' form. Leave of Absence If your child requires medicine to be administered at school, please download and complete the 'admin of medicine' form. Admin_of_medicine_short_term.pdf Please return the completed form to the…

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Peel Clothworkers’ School 2022/23 Data The following information provides a breakdown regarding levels of attainment in Years Two and Six at Peel Clothworkers’ School for the academic year 2022/23. The data does not form a complete picture of achievement at our school, which is measured by the indi…

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Links to E-Safety advice provided by 'National Online Safety' can be found below. You will find information and advice about many social media platforms, gaming platforms and more.

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PSHE & RSE at Peel Clothworkers' School At Peel Clothworkers’ School, we believe that the development of the ‘whole child’ and the building of life skills is fundamental and cross-curricular links with personal, social, health and economic education, play an important part in our curriculum. Purpos…

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Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2023

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy Introduction Our policy applies to all staff and volunteers working at Peel Clothworkers' Primary School. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or dev…

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Accessibility Policy

1. Statement of intent Peel Clothworkers’ Primary School is committed to taking all reasonable steps to avoid placing any individuals with disabilities at a disadvantage, and works closely with disabled pupils, their families and any relevant outside agencies to remove any potential barriers to the…

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Additional Educational Needs

We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment across the whole curriculum, which maximises individual potential and ensures that pupils of all ability levels are well equipped to meet the challenges of education, work and life. We aim to ensure each individual’s needs are met, whether academ…

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Behaviour Policy Isle of Man Department of Education, Sport and Culture At Peel Clothworkers’ we expect high standards of behaviour at all times based on our School Values. These values are Respect, Motivated, Compassion and Empathy, High Expectations, Treat Everyone as Individuals, Honesty and Mut…

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Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy (To be read in conjunction with the Behaviour Policy) Rationale At Peel Clothworkers' we value people for who they are, leading to respect, compassion & empathy, treating all as individuals, motivated, having high expectations, honesty and mutual trust. Bullying prevents an equ…

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Our school values each child as a unique individual. In so doing, inclusion encompasses an holistic approach to each and every child, ensuring that each child’s needs are met, fulfilled and celebrated. We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment across the whole curriculum which maximises…

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Marking and Feedback

At Peel Clothworkers’ Primary School we maintain high expectations of all children in relation to their learning and progress, maximising their outcomes and achievement. Regular and pertinent marking enables children to identify what they have done well and what their next steps are. Aims and Objec…

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External Validation Report 2020

Graham Reeves Ltd The Isle of Man Department of Education, Sport and Culture External Validation of the School Self-Review and Evaluation Peel Clothworkers’ School Introduction Each school on the Isle of Man is expected to conduct a School Self-Review and Evaluation (SSRE) using an approach devised…

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If you have any concerns in relation to the school please do get in touch. If you wish to make an external complaint please find the link to the procedure below: Department of Education, Sport and Culture - Complaints Policy and Procedure

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