Peel Clothworkers' School

'Enjoyable Learning for Life'

Year 5 - Cycling
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After achieving their Cycling Proficiency certificates, the Year 5 Classes embarked on a cycling trip from the Kipper Factory to Tynwald Hill, where we had a picnic and played ball sports on the green until the rain washed us away!

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Primary Schools Golf Festival 2023
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On Monday, 8 of our Year 6 Children went to the NSC to represent the school in the Primary Schools Golf Festival 2023 hosted by the Isle of Man Golf Union. It was the a brilliant event that the children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in. They did very well and came third place!

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Rebecca House - Parish Walk 2023
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Representatives from Rebecca House came into school today to receive their cheque for the money raised by our staff who took part in the Parish Walk. A whopping £1100!! A huge well done to Mr Crebbin, Miss Lace, Miss Parkinson and Callum (MSR coach) for taking part and raising money for such a wond…

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IOMFA Millennium Football Tournament 2023
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A mix of Year 5 and 6 children were selected to represent the school in this year's IOMFA Millennium Football Tournament held at Union Mills Football Club on Saturday 1st July. They had a tough start, only managing to pick up 1 point in the first three games, but turned that around by battling to w…

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Sports Day 2023
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What a glorious Sports Day! The sun was shining, the children were thoroughly enjoying themselves and we hope that all the parents who came to support their children enjoyed it too. Well done to everyone who took part (including the parents who did the sprint!).A special well done to the yellow tea…

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Happy 70th to our school!
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This week, we celebrated 70 years since the opening of our school on Derby Road. Peel Clothworkers' School has occupied many sites over the centuries with the first school being provided in 1687 from the proceeds of the Phillip Christian bequest and being replaced by a second in 1843. The Christian…

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Year 6 - Manchester Trip
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Our Year 6 pupils have had a wonderful two-day trip away last week. After sailing to Liverpool on Tuesday morning, we hopped on a coach and traveled to Chester Zoo. The children had a brilliant time and were very lucky to see lots of amazing animals; the giraffes were a popular choice when voting f…

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Western District Football Tournament 2023
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Our Year 5 and 6 footballers did extremely well in the Western District Tournament held at Kirk Michael School last week. Both teams made it to the semi final before having to face each other for the third and fourth play off! There were some excellent goals scored throughout the afternoon, some br…

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Clothworkers' Choirs - The Guild 2023
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A massive well done and pat on the back for our KS1 choir who performed in the Guild on Saturday morning. Their songs ‘Once upon a December’ and ‘Let it Shine’ were beautiful and the adjudicator was full of praise for how well they sang, and how well behaved they were. They were a credit to our sch…

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