Peel Clothworkers' School

'Enjoyable Learning for Life'

Year 3 - Beach Buddies (part 2)
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Year 3 enjoyed a slightly chilly trip on Tuesday, where we joined up with Beach Buddies to clean the beaches in Peel and surrounding areas. We found a wide range of litter, including bottles, cans, vapes and fishing line. We even managed to dig up a bicycle tyre! Bill Dale, founder of Beach Buddies…

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Year 3 - Beach Buddies
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The Year 3 topic this term is 'One Plastic Bag'. Bill Dale (founder of Beach Buddies) was invited in and the children were given the opportunity to interview him to find out about how he started Beach Buddies. The children will be writing stories about Bill Dale and going on a community clean on Tu…

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Class RR – Apparatus in PE
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To support our topic ‘Reach for the Stars’, we have been developing our physical skills an astronaut would need to practise such as: balancing, navigating an obstacle course, crawling, climbing frames and slides. They have been loving it!

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Class 6F's Curiosities
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In Class 6F, we’ve been thinking about what our curiosities are, ahead of reading our new text ‘Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover’. We were really engaged in this, and Mrs Fairbairn was super impressed at how thought provoking our curiosities were. We can’t wait to try and find out some answers!

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Year 3 - Chocolate!
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Year 3 designed and made their own chocolate bars as part of their learning about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They even created their own chocolate wrappers!

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First Aid Training - Class 6C
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The children in Class 6C had a full-day training session with St John Ambulance learning first aid and basic life support. The children were exceptionally well engaged and learnt some very important skills.

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Thank you to Western Men in Sheds
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Our school are pleased to accept the kind donation of gardening tools from Western Men in Sheds. The Eco-Schools children ( pictured ) will be putting the tools into good use in the Spring our School Garden.

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Breakfast with Santa
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The children across the school have all enjoyed breakfast with Santa this week! Thank you very much to our wonderful staff and volunteers who organised and and ran the mornings - Miss Lace, Miss Parkinson, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Gadsby and the rest of the kitchen staff.

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